How this course will work
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Let’s talk about how this course is going to work.
We can’t cover EVERY single option
I’m going to show you a lot of things in Microsoft Teams, but there is always going to be stuff that I do not cover. I’m going to focus on the important stuff about getting things working in your teams.
What I will show you is where and how to find more information about different options. And you’ll always be able to ask me – [email protected].
New features released constantly
Microsoft is continually upgrading the product in the background. So, what I show you today might be different tomorrow – just slightly different. So just keep that in mind.
Speed controls on all videos
I’ve made sure all the videos have speed controls on them, so feel free to speed them up or slow them down to what suits you. I find that if it’s information that I already know, but I still want to skim through the video to see if there’s any new points that I could learn from, I’ll speed it up for those sort of subjects. And then when you’re getting to subjects that are newer to you or you’re trying to work along with, then you can slow the video down to natural speed or even slower.
Teams Standard version (not Premium)
I am using the standard version of Teams that comes with Microsoft365 (previously known as Office365). Microsoft has recently added a premium license of Teams that you can choose to purchase – I might mention some of the cool things that are in there, but that’s not what we are using in the main part of the course. One of the cool things is “Intelligent Meeting Recap” – amazing.
Not covering Microsoft Teams for Education
I’m also not covering the education version in this course.
Written notes for most lessons
You’ll find that I’ve included written notes for each lesson under the video. It’s not a complete manual – it’s pretty much the transcript from the video with some extra screenshots, if required. I’ve done this in case you can’t watch watch the video for some reason, and you just want to read or quickly skim the information and see a screen shot or two.
Desktop screen shots all Windows – sorry Mac users!
Sorry Mac users. I am definitely Windows focused, but, I do pull out my iPhone and my iPad and Apple CarPlay, so there is definitely some Apple focus in the course. Maybe I’ll get a Mac focused lesson into the course in the future. But at least it’s getting the idea of what to expect in Microsoft Teams, and it will always look slightly different on the different platforms.
Features you see can be controlled by your IT department
Microsoft is very corporate IT supportive. There are features that your IT department may choose to turn off as unsuitable for your corporate for whatever reasons. Often it’s for security reasons. Sometimes it could be bandwidth – that feature might be too resource heavy and choke the speed of the network and so not be good for your overall environment, and so IT might choose to turn that feature off. Or maybe just have it off until they’ve tested it in the environment. If there’s things that I’m showing you that you can see in your Microsoft Teams and you could see could be a game changer in the team that you are part of, have a chat to your IT department. They might be able to open it up for your team, or, maybe the reason they had it turned off is no longer a problem.
Suggestions and questions
And finally, if there are any extra questions you have or any ideas for another lesson that you would like included, email me on
I’d love to hear from you.