Course Information

Working Together On Demand Course Logo

Learn in your own time, in your own way. Each lesson has a video that takes you through the contents, but it also contains written material with screen shots if you would rather read the lesson material. The course contains all the projects that are done in the live sessions.. just without the instructor or other course participants. Any questions you can ask by email and be answered within 24 hours.

Scroll down to the Course outline to watch some of the free video lessons!

Overview: This course is all about finding better ways for your team to work better together, by utilising the variety of tools within Microsoft Teams. As you progress through the course, there is an on-going project that will challenge you on how you communicate and share information within any teams that you are part of now, and how you could improve on this. The teams you are part of could be external customers/clients, multiple teams within your organisation, or you may be a team of one and strengthening your processes.

Each topic is delivered in under 10 minutes (mostly), so you can easily fit the course in around your work/lifestyle.. or just do it one chunk.

Delivery: 60 bite sized on-demand videos.
Duration: 7 hours
Level: Beginner
Requirements: Computer or tablet with audio. Existing access to Microsoft Teams, so you can practice as you learn.
Availability: Now!

What’s included:

  • Access to on-demand videos through an easy interface
  • Checklists you can print out for relevant sections
  • Projects at the end of relevant sections to help brain storm working together solutions for your environment
  • Email access to ask questions to an instructor for 90 days, with <24 hour turnaround for answer

One Time Payment


Price in AU$ and includes GST

Course Instructor

Rhonda Garvin Rhonda Garvin Instructor

Helping people to learn software tools so they can work together from wherever they are.. even from under a Palm Tree. Initial software tools that Rhonda taught on-line were focused around IBM Lotus Notes and Domino technical courses. And then there were many years of on-site and classroom teaching, consulting, developing, administration – mostly based around Notes and Domino, but more recent years across to Microsoft desktop products. Fast forward to 2023. Rhonda has relaunched Palm Tree Learning to focus on helping teams to work together utilising Microsoft Teams. Love my family. Love my God. Love music. Love trails. Love parkrun.

One Time Payment


Price in AU$ and includes GST